Who is Fatima (S.A.)

When the Arab world was in the era of Darkness i.e., the era of Jahiliya in the eyes of Islam a great man emerged from its own people none other than Prophet Mohammad (saw) who brought his men towards light and gave them a purpose to live their lives. A purpose for which Allah (swt) had sent all of his creation and it was his worship. He sent his guides, the Prophets (saw) as messengers for people to follow so that they could fulfil their duties towards their lord. When the girls were being buried alive, Prophet Muhammad (saw) raised a daughter and his linage was carried on by her. A role model for the entire women on this earth who showed what high esteem it is to be woman under the banner of Islam and what high status this religion carries for women.

A pious daughter introduced by her greatest father as “ فَاطِمَةُ بَضْعَةٌ مِنِّي “ Fatima is a part of me. An infallible man introducing her as a part of himself and telling the world my daughter is as pious, chaste, knowledgeable, just, kind, courageous, warrior, noble like him. It’s not the emotions of a father but even Quran, the greatest miracle of Islam which will remain till qayamah also bears witness of her pure linage by the revelation of Surah Kausar which came down in her honour when the Noble Prophet (saw) was mocked of not bearing children.

She was also known as Umme Abiha “the mother of her father”. The way she took care of her father as a child and nursed his wounds when the Noble Prophet (saw) was wounded on the streets for propagating the message of Allah (swt).

The values learned through her mother and how Bibi Khadijah (sa) gave her wealth in the way of Allah (swt) to take care of the weaker ones made her do the same which made Allah (swt) sing praise for her by revealing Surah Dahr to honour her 3 day fasts where even her children gave away their meals to feed who came to her door and asked their hajats.

Whenever the Islam was in danger Bibi Zahra (sa) always stood firm to defend this great religion. When the priest of Najran came to Prophet Muhammad (saw) was challenged and was asked you get your women and we get ours, Fatima Zahra (sa) represented the women on the event of Mubahela along with her father, husband and her children which frightened the priests and they shunned the event and accepted their defeat as they couldn’t bear these illuminating personalities. A perfect woman and a housewife who got married to Ali (as), the matchmaking done on heaven by Allah (swt) and later the nikah done on earth after the arsh. Allah (swt) revealed to its Prophet (saw) that had Ali (as) not been there she didn’t have a match for herself on this land. A woman of emotions who never gave a chance to her husband to complain about her and made Ali (as) say this to Prophet Muhammad (as) that “I found her helpful in the way of Allah (swt)”. Allotting one day for household chores and the other for Ibadat has set an example for the women that these two things are no hindrance to move away from the worship of Allah (swt). If a woman does her duties well, she can earn the same closeness of Allah (swt).

Being a courageous lady, it did not stop her from defending Imam Ali (as) when his right was being snatched away by those who wanted the position of Khalifa. When they came to the door, she stood in their way resulting in the death of her child Mohsin (as) in the womb and being beaten in front of her children. When Fadak was usurped, she went to the Khalifa and asked her for her right which was denied to her. The sufferings she faced made her recite these laments “I have been inflicted with the greatest misfortune and the biggest calamity”. Her will which she told Imam Ali (as) to not inform anyone and bury her at night makes her grave a witness till today that how she and her household were subjected to torture and injustice for the position of this world.